05 August 2010

Cornwall Parish Registers Online from FamilySearch

It's a red letter day for Cornish Researchers. Images of parish registers for the county of Cornwall, and a couple of Devonshire parishes, are now online from Family Search Record Search at http://pilot.familysearch.org/recordsearch/start.html#p=waypoint&s=waypointsOnly&c=fs%3A1769414&w=0

The registers contain baptisms, banns, marriages and burials but are not name indexed. Although advertised as ending in 1900 some go well into the 20th century.

Although you do have to search by eye through the image based on my experience with Norfolk availability of these images is a significant step forward.

1 comment:

Paul Jones said...

It took no more than 20 minutes to find my wife's grandmother's baptism in 1868. Very legible. Wouldn't it be great if all parish registers were available like this? One day they will be--and with indexes. Some say this will spoil the "fun" of archival research. I say, "Bring it on!"