21 February 2021

Upload your DNA Data to MyHeritage and Get FREE Access to All DNA Features — Limited-time Offer!

Between 21-28 February 2021 those who have tested with other services can access all advanced DNA features on MyHeritage, absolutely free!

MyHeritage allows you to upload your DNA data from other providers and get DNA Matches for free, but normally a one-time unlock fee of $29 (or a Complete plan with MyHeritage) has been required to access the advanced DNA features — and that includes the Ethnicity Estimate and the new Genetic Groups.

For a limited time, MyHeritage is waiving the unlock fee. You can now upload your DNA data to MyHeritage and get access to your Ethnicity Estimate, Genetic Groups, and other advanced DNA tools such as the Chromosome Browser, AutoClusters, and Theory of Family Relativity™ — absolutely free!

These features will remain free forever for DNA kits uploaded to MyHeritage during this week.


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