09 February 2020

Sunday Sundries

Miscellaneous items I found of interest during the week.

Up the Gatineau! Selected Articles
Almost 400 articles have been published in the Gatineau Valley Historical Society publication Up the Gatineau!. All articles from Volumes 1 to 10 (to 1984) are available online along with selected articles from other volumes — www.gvhs.ca/publications/utg-articles.html. Check out other GVHS digital resources.

To kill a king: 350 years of regicide
The execution of King Charles I in 1649 is an event unique in English history – or is it? Helen Carr explores how, centuries prior to the death of Charles I, kings and queens were executed publicly, or disposed of surreptitiously, leaving a legacy of intrigue and speculation...  from History Extra.

The Atlas of Digitised Newspapers and Metadata: Reports from Oceanic Exchanges
Comparing mass digitization initiatives (newspapers) in Finland, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Canada is notable by its absence owing to the long-term lack of leadership.

Ctrl-F: Helping make networks more resilient against misinformation can be as simple as two fingers

How Accurate Are Punxsutawney Phil's Groundhog Day Forecasts?
According to this article from 1969 on, Punxsutawney Phil's overall accuracy rate is about 36 percent. Flipping a coin would give 50% accuracy and the US Weather Bureau gets it's equivalent science-based forecast right 60% of the time.

MozART - How to impress a woman

... and something completely different ...

Thanks to this week's contributors
Anonymous, Barbara, Barbara T, BT, Caroline Lumsden, Chuck Buckley, Helen Billing, Jean, Persephone, Rick Roberts, Sylvia, Unknown.

1 comment:

Barbara T said...

Thanks for the tip on CTRL-F. I can think of all kinds of uses for it, not just checking the veracity of a headline claim.