That is a remarkable milestone, John. Congratulations! I read your blog every morning as I eat my breakfast and look forward to it every day. It is full of wonderful information, tips, notices of meetings and interesting useful items. What I like most is that your posts are short informative nuggets with links to more comprehensive articles if there are any. I don't know how you do it everyday, but from your appreciative audience I say a big THANK YOU and we all look forward to at least another 10,000 posts to come. Lovely!! All the best ....Jane Down
Gads, 10K! I know that I have been receiving and reading your blog for a long time, but I would never have guessed this remarkable number. Yes, thank you for alerting us to British resources, the weather in history and your insight on all matters relevant to us. I have an image of you hovering over the family history/genealogical community, watching, probing, reporting … please continue to hover!
How marvellous!! You keep me up to date on so many fronts for my genealogy/history research. Merci indeed for your ongoing work - or I assume it's also a pleasure for you! Keep on keeping on... Congratulations.
Congratulations!!! 10,000 posts and still going strong! I love receiving your blogs, and consider them to be highly informative and helpful! ...And you often create interesting statistical comparisons- something that not many others do. Cheers to another 10,000 posts!
Since 2006, Canada's Anglo-Celtic Connections has been an independent view of family history resources and developments seen from an Ottawa perspective.
Congratulations, John!
That is a remarkable milestone, John. Congratulations! I read your blog every morning as I eat my breakfast and look forward to it every day. It is full of wonderful information, tips, notices of meetings and interesting useful items. What I like most is that your posts are short informative nuggets with links to more comprehensive articles if there are any. I don't know how you do it everyday, but from your appreciative audience I say a big THANK YOU and we all look forward to at least another 10,000 posts to come. Lovely!!
All the best ....Jane Down
Gads, 10K! I know that I have been receiving and reading your blog for a long time, but I would never have guessed this remarkable number. Yes, thank you for alerting us to British resources, the weather in history and your insight on all matters relevant to us. I have an image of you hovering over the family history/genealogical community, watching, probing, reporting … please continue to hover!
Thank you John. 10,000 times 3 items (usually) = 30,000 items brought to our attention. WOW. Gil
How marvellous!! You keep me up to date on so many fronts for my genealogy/history research. Merci indeed for your ongoing work - or I assume it's also a pleasure for you! Keep on keeping on... Congratulations.
Congratulations!!! 10,000 posts and still going strong! I love receiving your blogs, and consider them to be highly informative and helpful! ...And you often create interesting statistical comparisons- something that not many others do. Cheers to another 10,000 posts!
Congratulations. I depend on your blog to keep me up to date on new podcasts that come out, and to keep me informed of all the other things.
Karen Prytula
Congrats John. Well done! BT
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